Tod am Kilimanjaro
1.11.2024 - Tod am Kilimanjaro : Betrachtungen zu tödlichen Ereignissen am Mount Kilimanjaro im Zuge von Besteigungen durch Höhenkrankheit, Schlaganfall, Unfall wie Steinschlag. Aber auch zu Verkehrsunglücken wie Flugzeugabstürze, durch die Menschen am Mount Kilimanjaro ums Leben gekommen sind.
Anzahl der Todesfälle am Kilimanjaro bei Flugzeugabstürzen
- Bei den zwei bekannten und hier dokumentierten Flugzeugabstürzen im Berggelände des Mount Kilimanjaro sind 24 Personen ums Leben gekommen.
Anzahl der Todesfälle am Kilimanjaro bei Besteigungen
- Da es keine offiziellen Zahlen zu den Todesfällen am Kilimanjaro gibt, stützen wir uns zunächst auf "The Times" aus dem Jahr 2008 mit der folgenden Feststellung :
- Todesfälle pro Jahr bei Führern und Trägern : 20
- Todesfälle pro Jahr bei Touristen : 10
- Todesfälle pro Jahr gesamt : 30
- Im Jahr 2008 lag das Besteigungsaufkommen am Kilimanjaro bei ca. 45.000 Touristen /Jahr. Nach einer Hochphase um das Jahr 2013 mit ca. 60.000 Touristen/Jahr liegt das Besteigungsaufkommen heute wieder ca. auf dem Niveau von 2008. Da sich an den Rahmenbedingungen einer Kilimanjaro-Besteigung seit dem kaum etwas verädert hat, kann man somit heute wieder von einer gleichen Rate an Todesfälle am Kilimanjaro aus gehen wie im Jahr 2008 - also mit gesamt 30 Todesfälle pro Jahr.
- Vergleichbares ist auf Spiegel Online vom 06.11.2006 zu lesen.
Wie hoch ist das Todesfall-Risiko am Kilimanjaro bei Besteigungen
gelesen bei : [3]
Berichte zum Tod am Mount Kilimanjaro bei Flugzeugabstürzen
- 03.04.2008 - 4 Tote bei Flugzeugabsturz einer Cessna F406 am Kilimandscharo
2010 - Cessna Wrack - Bozner Zahnarzt stirbt bei Flugzeugabsturz am Kilimandscharo [4] |
gelesen bei : , Kilimanjaro-Forum Bozner Zahnarzt stirbt bei Flugzeugabsturz am Kilimandscharo , 03.04.2008 Seit Jahren waren der Zahnarzt aus Bozen, Franco Tamiazzo (57), und dessen Frau Stefania (52) in Indien und Afrika für die Ärmsten der Armen im Einsatz. Am Samstag kamen die beiden zusammen mit einem befreundeten Paar aus Belluno beim Absturz eines Kleinflugzeuges am Kilimandscharo ums Leben. Das Ehepaar aus Bozen hatte sich zusammen mit zwei Zahnarztassistentinnen und deren Ehemännern in Kenia aufgehalten, um das 25-jährige Bestehen von Tamiazzos Zahnarztpraxis zu feiern. Mit dabei waren auch Claudio Zornitta und dessen Frau Paola, ein befreundetes Paar der Tamiazzos aus Belluno. Franco Tamiazzo hatte sich immer wieder in Kenia und Tansania aufgehalten. Zum Einen hatte er dort zusammen mit Toni Pizzecco und Massimo Perini ein Hilfsprojekt für den Volksstamm der Massai ins Leben gerufen. Zum Anderen lieferte der passionierte Amateurfilmer immer wieder Beiträge für die RAI-Doku-Reihe "Alle falde del Kilimangiaro". Kurz vor Heimflug So hatte der Bozner Zahnarzt auch diesmal, neben der Geburtstagsfeier für seine Praxis, auch die Schule und das Ambulatorium besucht, die er zusammen mit seinen beiden Südtiroler Kollegen aufgebaut hatte. Eigentlich hätte die Reisegruppe dann bereits am Samstag von Kenias Hauptstadt Nairobi aus den Heimflug antreten sollen. Kurzfristig entschied man sich aber, einen Abstecher zum Kilimandscharo zu unternehmen. Mit dem gemieteten Kleinflugzeug von Typ Cessna F406 wollte Tamiazzo vermutlich noch einmal Afrikas höchsten Berg aus der Luft filmen. So gingen er, seine Frau Stefania, sowie das befreundete Paar aus Belluno an Bord. Gegen 11 Uhr (9 Uhr MEZ) startete die Gruppe vom nahe des Kilimandscharo gelegenen Kyuli aus zum Rundflug. Die zwei Zahnarztassistentinnen Tamiazzos und deren Ehemänner blieben am Boden. Sie sollten vergeblich auf die Rückkehr der Vier warten. Nur der Pilot überlebte Als das Flugzeug nicht wie erwartet zurückkehrte, schlug der Besitzer der Lodge, von dem aus die Cessna gestartet war, Alarm. Bereits nach kurzer Suche wurde das Flugzeugwrack in der Nähe des Mawenzi-Gipfels, einem der drei Hauptgipfel des Kilimandscharo, entdeckt. Während der Pilot schwer verletzt geborgen werden konnte, kam für die vier Passagiere jede Hilfe zu spät. Sie dürften beim Aufprall auf der Stelle tot gewesen sein. Aufgrund des schlechten Wetters und des äußerst unzugänglichen Geländes wurden die Leichen der vier Verunglückten erst gestern geborgen. Sie wurden in die Leichenkapelle des kleinen Ortes Moshi in Tansania gebracht. Ereignet haben dürfte sich das Unglück rund eine Stunde nach dem Start. Zum Absturz war es auf einer Höhe von rund 4300 Metern gekommen. Die Unfallursache dürften die Wetterverhältnisse gewesen sein, die sich rapide verschlechtert haben dürften. |
- 18.05.1955 - 20 Tote bei Flugzeugabsturz einer Douglas C47B Dakota 4 (DC-3) am Mawenzi
1977 - Wrack der Douglas C47B Dakota 4 am Mawenzi [5] |
gelesen bei : , Kilimanjaro-Wiki (Mawenzi)
Flugzeugspezifikation Douglas C47B Dakota 4 (DC-3) bei : Wikipedia-DE |
Berichte zum Tod am Mount Kilimanjaro bei Besteigung
- 09.10.2017 - Dutch Climber, Jack Delleport (53), dies after reaching Mount Kilimanjaro summit
Chinese Dies While Scaling Kilimanjaro [7] |
gelesen bei : A 53-year-old Dutch man died on Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania on Friday. The believed cause of death ist heart failure, a friend who climbed the highest mountain in Africa with victim Jack Delleport, said to BN De Sterm. "We reached the summit on Friday morning at 06:15, after which he suddenly became unwell. There was immediate help from guides and people with oxygen and measuring equipment to measure blood levels and heart rate", the friend said to the newspaper. A rescue mission was quickly launched to take Delleport down the mountain by car. Twelve hours later, when his friend reached the bottom, he was informed that Delleport did not make it. His body will be flown to the Netherlands on Friday. Delleport's death shocked his friend. "We traveled together a lot and climbed a lot, in Scotland, base camp Mount Everest. In Europe, in Asia, always with a lot of fun and success", he said to the newspaper. ... |
- 15.07.2017 - Irish woman, Majella Duffy (35), dies while climbing Mount Kilimanjaro
Majella Duffy from Co Cork [8] |
gelesen bei : A 35-year-old Irish woman has died while climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. The woman has been named locally as Majella Duffy from Rathcormac, Co Cork. The cause of death has not yet been confirmed. Ms Duffy’s family members were notified of her death on Friday afternoon. The Department of Foreign Affairs will liaise with her family in coming days on bringing home her body. It is understood Ms Duffy decided to take on the challenge of climbing the mountain in memory of her late father, who died of a heart attack, and to raise money for the Irish Heart Foundation (IHF). She had been well-known in the bodybuilding community in Ireland. .... |
- 03.01.2017 - Norwegian Tourist, Johan Aclep (54), dies while climbing Mt Kili
Tourist dies while climbing Mt Kili [9] |
gelesen bei : Arusha. A Norwegian tourist died while climbing the Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest mountain, police said on Monday. Kilimanjaro Regional Police Commander Wilbroad Mutafungwa said Mr Johan Aclep, 54, died on Saturday while trying to scale the snow-capped mountain. He said that the man started the journey through Rongai Gate in Rombo District, but suddenly fell sick and died at Simba, one of the camps on the way to the mountain’s summit. This was the third death of a tourist in 2016 on the mountain. In September, a Chinese national died of pulmonary Oedema while climbing the mountain. And in July, a South African race car driver died while attempting to scale the mountain after experiencing breathing problems. Climbing Kilimanjaro is described as one of the most dangerous things for bold adventurers. Approximately 1,000 people are evacuated from the mountain, and 10 deaths are reported every year, mainly caused by altitude sickness. ... gelesen bei : Police say a Norwegian tourist has died climbing Mount Kilimanjaro on New Year’s Eve. The 54-year-old man died on Saturday, December 31, at Simba camp, says Kilimanjaro regional police commander Wilbroad Mutafungwa. Mutafungwa identified the man as Johan Aclep. Kilimanjaro claimed three lives in 2016: in July a South African experienced breathing problems and died and in September a Chinese national suffered a pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs) and died. In 2015, an American who sold all his possessions to take a world tour was killed by a falling boulder. Approximately 1000 people are evacuated from the Africa’s highest mountain each year.
- 08.09.2016 - Chinese Tourist, Zhu Yush (27), Dies While Scaling Kilimanjaro
Chinese Dies While Scaling Kilimanjaro [10] |
gelesen bei : Moshi — A Chinese national, Zhu Yush (27), has died while climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, police have confirmed. Kilimanjaro Regional Police Commander (RPC), Mr Willbrod Mutafungwa, said the incident occurred on Wednesday at Kijiweni Kabamba in Kibosho, Moshi District. He said the late Yush arrived in the country on September 3 via the Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA) with intention to climb Africa's highest mountain. According to the RPC, preliminary investigations into the death of the late Yush, who held passport number E43941406, show that his death came as a result of altitude sickness. Mr Mutafungwa said the body of the deceased has been preserved at the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC), where a postmortem will be conducted as procedures to transport the body are underway. .... |
- 18.07.2016 - Gugulethu «Gugu» Zulu (38) : Der «schnellste Bruder Afrikas» stirbt bei Charity-Event am Mount Kilimanjaro
18.07.2016 - : Drama am Kilimandscharo: Der «schnellste Bruder Afrikas» stirbt bei Charity-Event |
- 18.09.2015 - Scott Dinsmore (33) wurde am Kilimanjaro durch einen Felssturz getötet
Scott Dinsmore, 33-jährig, der Mann hinter *Live Your Legend* aus San Francisco verunglückte beim Besteigen des Mount Kilimanjaro am vergangenen Wochenende tödlich. |
- 03.10.2013 - A sad finish to our Kilimanjaro Trek
A sad finish to our Kilimanjaro Trek [17] |
gelesen bei : A sad finish to our Kilimanjaro Trek |
- 07.02.2013 - Tod am Kilimandscharo : Junger Koreaner stirbt am Stella Point
Koreaner stirbt am Stella Point [18] |
In seinem Kilimanjaro-Gipfelbucheintrag auf berichtet Stefan Fritsch von seiner eindringlichen Begegnung mit dem Tod am Gipfel des Kilimanjaro und stellt sich so die Frage nach dem Sinn seines / eines Gipfelsiegs am Mount Kilimanjaro im Angesicht des Todes.
Am 07.02.2013 stand ich um 06.50 Uhr total ausgelaugt oben und hatte mir bis dahin keine Gedanken über den Rückweg gemacht - gipfelfixiert eben. Der Rückweg war mehr als hart, einen derartigen Erschöpfungszustand hatte ich trotz intensiver Vorbereitung noch nie erlebt. Beim Stella Point dann der Schock: Ein Asiate war unmittelbar als wir passierten verstorben, was wohl nicht ganz so selten vorkommt. Es bleibt die Frage, ob der Gipfelerfolg wirklich ein Erfolg ist .... |
- 04.01.2013 - Irischer Bergfüher Ian McKeever (43) am Kilimanjaro durch Blitzschlag getötet
04.01.2013 - Irischer Bergsteiger durch Blitzschlag getötet während er eine Bergsteigergruppe zum Gipfel des Kilimanajro führte Shira 2, 4,000m. Torrential rain fell all day. Spirits remain good even if drying clothes is proving impossible! We pray for dryer weather tomorrow - the big day. It's the Lava Tower. McKeever war kein Fremder am Kilimanjaro, nachdem er ihn bereits zu vielen Gelegenheiten bestieg : 2008 half er seinem 10-jährigen Patensohn Sean McSharry, der jüngste Besteiger aus Europa zu werden, der den Gipfel des Kibo erreichte. Im August letzten Jahres führte er eine Gruppe von 145 irischen Jugendlichen, zusammen mit ihren Lehrern als Benefizveranstaltung auf den Gipfel des Kilimanjaro. Dieser Aufstieg wurde als Guinness-Weltrekord für die größte Gruppe von Personen festgelegt, die den Gipfel des Kilimanjaro errreichte. Gleichzeitig wurde Geld für verschiedene Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen einschließlich des Muttergottes Krankenhaus in Crumlin und der Tschernobyl International Organisation gesammelt. [19]
- 30.09.2011 - Man ,Alistair Cook (69), dies minutes after scaling Mt Kilimanjaro
Man dies after scaling Kilimanjaro [22] |
gelesen bei : London: A 69-year-old Briton collapsed and died just minutes after fulfilling a life-long ambition to climb Africa's highest mountain peak, Mount Kilimanjaro. Businessman Alistair Cook had just sent a text message to his wife Vicky, telling her his achievement when he suffered a fatal heart attack, the Daily Express reported. An experienced hiker, Cook said he felt "exhausted but so happy" after reaching the 5,895-metre-high summit. The expedition was arranged to mark his coming 70th birthday. He was the first of a five-member team to reach the top of the mountain in Tanzania. He undertook the mountain trek with four other climbers as part of a trip organised by Team Kilimanjaro, a company which specialises in climbing holidays. The incident happened on the descent. "A lady he was climbing with told me he said to her, 'It's the hardest thing I have ever done, but I feel ecstatic'. I think that is a great tribute to Alistair and the man he was. He had lots of energy and enthusiasm -- a passion for life," Cook's wife Vicky said. Cook had trained for about 18 months for the climb, and walked near his home every morning. He had also scaled Mount Snowdon in Wales, in preparation for the challenge. Cook was an engineer by trade, but founded a picture-framing firm in Leicestershire 34 years ago. |
- 30.10.2009 - Deaths on Kilimanjaro
gelesen bei : Elena, Deaths on Kilimanjaro Oct 30, 2009, 9:57 PM I am not at liberty to publicly post details at this time, but my husband died while on an adventure travel trip with Geographic Expeditions Inc. Everyone needs to do lots of research and educate yourselves on safety wherever you go and ask a lot of questions. Be safe. .... |
- 19.09.2008 - Kenneth A. Moskow (48) dies at Kilimanjaro Peak
Kenneth A. Moskow dies at Kilimanjaro [24] |
gelesen bei : Kenneth A. Moskow of Concord and Chilmark died unexpectedly at the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro on Sept. 19. 2008. He was 48; the cause of death is believed to be due to altitude sickness. |
- 24.03.2007 - Canadian, Marcel Bujold (65), dies on Kilimanjaro
Canadian dies on Kilimanjaro [25] |
gelesen bei : CARE Canada says a volunteer died during a fundraising climb on Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. The agency says Marcel Bujold, 65, of Carleton, Quebec, died Thursday as he was being evacuated from the mountain due to illness. A. John Watson, the president and C-E-O of CARE Canada, said they are devastated by the news. Andrea Lanthier-Seymour, a CARE Canada spokeswoman, said after suffering some distress Wednesday, Mr. Bujold was provided oxygen and was accompanied by one medically trained guide and four porters to return to the base of the mountain. But his condition deteriorated, and hours into the evacuation he died. Former deputy prime minister John Manley, who is participating in the climb, said on his Globe and Mail blog Saturday the news of Mr. Bujold's death was devastating for everyone involved in the climb. Mr. Bujold was climbing with a separate group from Mr. Manley's when he fell ill. "At this time, I still don't know what was the cause of death nor whether it was mountain or atmosphere related. It was devastating news for everyone involved in the climb," Mr. Manley wrote. "We developed a plan to try to help as much as possible Marcel's wife, Pauline, who was climbing with him. I contacted the Canadian High Commission in Dar el Salaam, which immediately began to take action to assist her by sending a consular officer to Moshi the next morning," he wrote. "Early next morning (we were wakened at 5) we informed the climbers of Paul's departure, and of the sad event in the other group. Few in our group knew Marcel but one who did said that he loved mountains, he was deeply involved in CARE, and that this was to be the climb of his life. Many tears were shed, and we all resolved to carry on, dedicating our climb to Marcel's memory." Four climbers returned to the base to be with Pauline Bujold. |
- 06.01.2006 - Tod von 3 Touristen und 4 Trägern am Kilimanjaro: Steinschlag im Western Breach
06.01.2006 - When death rained down the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro DAR ES SALAM - Drei Touristen, einschließlich eines Amerikaners, wurden getötet als den Mt. Kilimanjaro Felsen herabstürzten und auf Bergsteiger einschlugen, die sich vorbereiteten den Gipfel des höchsten Bergs Afrikas zu ersteigen, sagte ein Beamter am Donnerstag. Der Direktor der Tanzania-National-Parks Gerald Bigurube sagte, dass fünf andere Leute durch einen Felsrutsch nahe dem Arrow Glacier Base Camp ( Arrow-Gletscher-Basis-Lager) in der Frühe am Mittwoch verletzt wurden. Das Lager, gelegen auf einer Höhe von 4.700m, liegt an einer der schwierigsten Routen am Berg. "Ich kann bestätigen, dass drei Menschen getötet und fünf verletzt wurden" sagte Bigurube gegenüber Reuters. "Wir klären die Identitäten" sagte Mohamed Chiko, Kommandant der örtlichen Polizei. Das einer der Toten ein Amerikaner ist, war ein Beamter der U.S. Botschaft nicht in der Lage zu bestätigen. Aufsteigend in 5.895m (19,430 Fuß) Höhe, der Mount Kilimanjaro, im Norden von Tanzania, mit den drei Gipfeln --- Shira, Kibo und Mawenzi. Jedes Jahr ziehen mehr als 20.000 Trekker aus, um das "Dach von Afrika", den größten Vulkan der Welt, zu erreichen. U.S.Wissenschaftler haben vorhergesagt, dass die immer schneller schmelzenden Gletscher in 20 Jahren verschwunden sein werden. Es gilt als sicher, das die schrumpfenden Gletscher die Felsen gelöst haben, die sie sonst an ihrem Platz hielten. DAR ES SALAAM, Jan 5 (Reuters) - Three tourists, including one American, were killed when rocks tumbled down Mount Kilimanjaro and smashed into climbers preparing to scale the peak of Africa‘s highest mountain, officials said on Thursday. Tanzania National Parks director Gerald Bigurube said five other people were injured by the rock slide close to Arrow Glacier base camp early on Wednesday. The camp, located at an altitude of some 4,700 metres, lies on one of the mountain‘s most arduous routes. "I can confirm that three people were killed and five were injured," Bigurube told Reuters. "We‘re sorting out the identities." Mohamed Chiko, commander of the local police, said one of the dead was an American, but U.S. embassy officials were unable to confirm this. Rising to 5,895 metres (19,430 feet), Mount Kilimanjaro, in northern Tanzania, has three peaks -- Shira, Kibo and Mawenzi. Every year, more than 20,000 trekkers set out to reach the "roof of Africa", the world‘s largest volcano.
U.S. scientists have predicted that the mountain‘s fast-melting glaciers will disappear in less than 20 years. It is thought that the shrinking glaciers have loosened rocks they once held in place. MOUNT KILIMANJARO NATIONAL PARK, Tanzania — The climbers were asleep in their tents before a predawn ascent of Africa‘s highest peak, when the boulders rained down. Three Americans died and two were seriously injured. The Americans were among several dozen foreign climbers from various tour groups camped near Arrow glacier on Mount Kilimanjaro‘s difficult Western Breach when the rockslide occurred Wednesday. The dead were identified as Kristian Ferguson, 27, of Longmont, Colo.; Mary Lou Sammis, 58, of Huntington, N.Y.; and Betty Orrik Sapp, 63, of Melrose, Mass. The trip was a lifelong dream of Sapp and her husband, William W. Sapp Jr., both physicists, said neighbor Jeannine Holden. The husband survived. Ferguson, a satellite engineer in Boulder, Colo., had been hiking with his wife and others from the Colorado Mountain Club, friends said. "Kris had a lucky star, up until the day before yesterday," said his father, Paul Ferguson, of Redmond, Wash. "He was always energetic and brilliant at whatever he tried. He was able to deal with the most technical problems, and yet he was the most cerebral type of person when it came to things like psychology and philosophy." Debbie Ramsey, a family friend answering the telephone at the Sammis home, said Sammis was in Tanzania with her husband, Scott, and three adult children. Mary Sammis "loved to hike and was always going on hiking trips with friends," Ramsey said. "Mary was a very upbeat, wonderful, great friend." The injured Americans were flown to Nairobi, Kenya, for treatment, said James Wakibara, acting spokesman for Mount Kilimanjaro National Park. Several Tanzanian guides also were initially reported killed, but regional police commander Mohamed Chico said Thursday that no Tanzanians had been found among the dead. Of the world‘s top peaks, Kilimanjaro is among the easiest to scale — though, as Wednesday‘s slide demonstrated, it can be deadly. The climbers set out Saturday to climb the Umbwe route, the most difficult on Mount Kilimanjaro, which at 19,340 feet is the highest freestanding mountain in the world. Even so, the route is only a very difficult hike, not requiring safety ropes or special equipment.
Summiting at dawn The group had taken several days to reach the camp at Arrow glacier, the normal resting point at 15,800 feet, before summiting Uhuru peak along the Umbwe route. Climbers usually arrive before nightfall and sleep until they begin the ascent at about 2 a.m. to reach the summit at dawn. Above the campsite is a steep slope of loose gravel, and above that is the crater wall of an extinct volcano. While the climbers were sleeping, boulders and rocks broke off the wall and fell on the campsite, said Thomas Kimaro, owner of Alpine Tours. Wakibara said a rescue team was immediately sent up the mountain along with every available porter to help bring down the dead and injured. By Thursday morning, more than 50 foreign climbers had been brought down, some with minor injuries, and the Umbwe route was clear, he said. [26]gelesen bei : As a teenager growing up in Redmond, Kristian Ferguson had read about the melting glaciers on Mount Kilimanjaro, and decided he would one day see them. After years of dreaming, Ferguson and his wife, Jodi Coochise, departed for Africa the day after Christmas with the intent of reaching the summit of Africa's tallest mountain. On Wednesday, Ferguson, 27, was killed by a rock slide as he and Coochise slept in their tent near Arrow glacier, on Kilimanjaro's difficult Western Breach. Coochise was not hurt. He was one of three Americans killed as boulders rained down on the camp in the early morning. Two others were seriously injured.
gelesen bei : Death on the Western Breach Trail In the past decade or so, there have been a several really highly publicized deaths associated with rockfalls on the Western Breach trail. In January 2006 a group of hikers was struck with a rockfall of an estimated 29 tons of rock tumbling down the Western Breach. It was a very windy day so it is thought that they never heard it coming until it was upon them. It killed three climbers and severely injured one other climber and four Tanzanian porters. Another incident happened in September 2015, when a mixed group of experienced alpine scientists and relative amateurs were ascending the Western Breach. When the rockslide came, the experts barely had time to dive for meager cover and when they picked themselves back up they found that one of the more novice climbers had been struck by an SUV-sized rock and his wife was trying to resuscitate him. |
- 21.10.2005 - Former teacher, Kath Hilton (56), dies on Kilimanjaro
Kath Hilton (56), dies on Kilimanjaro [27] |
gelesen bei : A RETIRED teacher died on Mount Kilimanjaro without realising her dream of reaching its summit. Kath Hilton, 56, suffered breathing difficulties at 14,000ft on the charity fundraising trek up the 19,336ft mountain - the highest in Africa. She returned to base camp at 2,000ft, but collapsed and died of a suspected heart attack. Mrs Hilton, a magistrate, lay Methodist preacher and school governor from Glazebury near Warrington, hoped to raise £4,500 for the town's St Rocco's Hospice. Her niece, Ruth Hilton, said: "Kath was a wonderful person." A hospice spokesman said: "It was her dream to climb Kilimanjaro. Our thoughts and hearts are with her family." Mrs Hilton taught at Lymm High School for 26 years. Head teacher Roger Lounds said: "She was very much looking forward to the project of climbing Kilimanjaro. We were very sad to hear of her death." Mrs Hilton was also chairman of governors at Westleigh Methodist Primary School. Head teacher Anne Bowyer said: "She was a wonderful person of very strong faith who was committed to the service of others." Mrs Hilton raised £600 for the hospice from a calendar of Glazebury, and was hoping to join a group doing voluntary service work overseas next year. It is understood her body is still in Tanzania waiting to be brought back to Britain for a funeral service. |
- 29.07.2004 - Tod am Kilimandscharo : Jürger Raith (39)
Allgemeine Zeitung [28]
Gastgewerbe International [29]
gelesen bei : Jürgen RAITH † 29. Juli 2004 Diese Seite ist Jürgen RAITH gewidmet, der im Alter von 39 Jahren am 29. Juli 2004 beim Abstieg vom Kilimanjaro verstarb. "Was soll denn diese Seite?" ... wird sich so mancher fragen. Und ist der Kilimanjaro ein Killer? Auch wenn es sehr plakativ klingt, ich sage JA! Ich möchte mit dieser Seite warnen. Was die meisten - wie auch ich - bisher nicht wussten: es sind schon so viele hier am Kilimanjaro auf die gleiche rätselhafte Weise gestorben, wie mein Freund Jürgen, an dessen Seite ich bei seinem Todeskampf war. Die Ärzte vor Ort erzählten mir später, dass dies kein „tragischer Einzelfall“ war, sondern gewissermaßen regelmäßig passiert und eigentlich immer dieselben trifft: gesunde, ja sportliche Männer im sogenannten „besten Alter“. Jürgen war ein Sportler, wie er im Buche steht. Er lief Marathon, fuhr Radrennen. Nichts konnte ihn umhauen, keine Herausforderung war ihm zu groß ... gelesen bei - Zwischen Himmel und Hölle In der altehrwürdigen Royal Geographical Society im fernen London drückt man das natürlich vornehmer aus. Man sei besorgt über die wachsende Zahl der Toten am Kilimandscharo, das Risiko sei höher als bei vielen anderen Extremtouren. Es soll tragische Jahre gegeben haben, in denen bis zu zehn Touristen auf dem Weg zum Kibo gestorben sind, aber genaue Statistiken gibt es nicht – oder sie werden verschwiegen. Die meisten Wanderer unterschätzen den Berg. Sie sehen Videos und Broschüren, in denen 70-jährige Opis, Schulkinder und korpulente Damen hinauftippeln. Wer fit ist, schafft es locker, suggeriert die Werbung. Jürgen Raith, 39, Gourmetkoch aus Namibia, war sehr fit, ein Läufer, ein exzellenter Sportler. Der Zufall will es, dass er uns noch vor zwei Wochen in seinem Hotel in Windhuk bekocht hat. Sein Herz stand in 5500 Metern still. Sie seien überhaupt nicht über die gesundheitlichen Gefahren aufgeklärt worden, klagen seine schockierten Kameraden. Man kann ihre Kritik nur bestätigen. Die Bergführer sind meist medizinisch unkundig. Im Krisenfall empfehlen sie Diamox, das vermeintliche Wundermittel. Es soll die Höhenkrankheit verhindern, kuriert aber nur Symptome. Es gibt nur eine wirksame Medizin: runtergehen, und zwar so schnell wie möglich. Windhoek/Berlin. Er trug den Titel „Bester Koch Afrikas“. Jürgen Raith starb an der Höhenkrankheit. Namibische Zeitungen hatten über den tragischen Vorfall ausführlich berichtet. Demnach war Jürgen Raith im Juli mit drei Freunden in Tanzania zum Kilimandscharo aufgestiegen......
- 15.11.2002 - Deaths of 3 Porters on Kilimanjaro Raise Concern About Porters' Safety
Deaths on Kilimanjaro [30] |
gelesen bei : The death of three Tanzanian porters on Mount Kilimanjaro nearly two months ago has raised concern about the plight of local people hired to accompany climbers scaling the world's big peaks. The three men died during a violent storm on the 19,340-foot (5,895 meters) mountain—the highest peak in Africa. They were not all in the same party, but are thought to have died of hypothermia on the same day, September 17. About 20,000 climbers attempt the ascent up Mount Kilimanjaro every year. Fall is the prime climbing season because the weather is relatively tame that time of year. This year, however, the week of September 17 had the worst weather conditions on the mountain that some people had seen in a dozen years. "All week the rain was very heavy, with wind blowing extraordinarily," said Debbie Addison, co-owner and manager of South Africa-based Wild Frontiers. "Then there was a sudden drop in temperature, compounded by the wind chill coming down off the summit." Her company had employed Anthony Minja, one of the porters who died. According to a post-mortem report, 47-year-old Minja died of acute cardiovascular failure, most likely related to hypothermia and possibly altitude sickness. He had been climbing along the Machame route with a group led by Wild Frontiers' local operator in Tanzania, Keys Hotel and Tours, when he decided to descend the mountain on his own. He separated from the main group on the third day of the six-day climb, and his body was later found at 12,630 feet (3,849 meters), between the Shira and Baranco camps. It had been his first trip up Kilimanjaro as a porter. The other two porters had been working for Tanzania-based Zara International. One died along the Machame route, the other while climbing the Marangu route. The exact causes of their deaths was not reported, and no additional information about them was available. Most Kilimanjaro porters and guides are members of the Chagga tribe, who live in the town of Moshi and surrounding villages at the base of the mountain. For the most part, local Chagga towns have subsistence economies. Since 1977, however, after Tanzania's national parks service officially opened the Kilimanjaro Forest Reserve, tourism has become a primary source of income for the Chagga. |
- 26.01.2002 - Tod am Kilimandscharo : Martin Rotzoll (31)
Martin Rotzoll beim Aufstieg [31]
gelesen bei : Martin Rotzoll * 31.10.1970 - † 26.01.2002 - Vor kurzer Zeit starb unser Freund Martin Die Nachricht traf uns als Schock. Er war doch nur für ein paar Wochen in den Urlaub geflogen. Viele von uns erfuhren es aus der Zeitung: "Tod am Kilimandscharo" hatte der Lokalredakteur getitelt und den Bericht der deutschen Botschaft in Tanzania gleich noch um einige (wie wir inzwischen wissen unzutreffende) Spekulationen ergänzt. ... |
- 06.01.2000 - Friends Recall Hiker, Jennifer Lambelet Mencken (53), Who Died on Kilimanjaro
Deaths on Kilimanjaro [32] |
gelesen bei : Tributes: L.A. librarian had scaled more than 270 peaks worldwide and pushed to the top of Africa's highest mountain despite breathing problems.
- 01.01.2000 - Tod von 2 Touristen (DE 55), (US 51) am Kilimanjaro : Jahrtausendwende auf dem Kibo
gelesen bei : 24 Stunden zwischen Tonga und Samoa: Wie die Welt das neue Jahrtausend begrüßte Tansania, 31.12.1999 - 22 Uhr MEZ, 100 Bergsteiger aus aller Welt begießen das neue Jahrtausend auf dem Kilimandscharo, dem höchsten Berg Afrikas. Getrübt wird die Gipfelfreude durch den Tod eines 55-jährigen Deutschen sowie einer 51-jährigen Amerikanerin. Sie waren beim Aufstieg auf den 5891 Meter hohen Berg zusammengebrochen. |
- ↑ - Deadly journey: Female porters on Mount Kilimanjaro face sexual abuse, aufgerufen am 11.01.2018
- ↑ - Rummel in schwindelnden Höhen, Die Besteigung des Kilimandscharo, aufgerufen am 12.01.2018
- ↑ - Is Climbing Kilimanjaro Dangerous?
- ↑ Kilimanjaro-Forum - 10.11.2008 - Bozner Zahnarzt stirbt bei Flugzeugabsturz am Kilimandscharo
- ↑ - 18.05.1955 - 34 Tote bei Absturz einer Douglas C47B Dakota 4 am Mawenzi
- ↑ East African Airways, Zur Geschichte von East African Airways
- ↑ - 08.09.2016 - Chinese Dies While Scaling Kilimanjaro
- ↑ - 15.07.2017 - Irish woman (35) dies while climbing Mount Kilimanjaro
- ↑ - 03.01.2017 - Tourist dies while climbing Mt Kili
- ↑ - 08.09.2016 - Chinese Dies While Scaling Kilimanjaro
- ↑ - Sportstar Gugu Zulu stirbt bei Charity-Aktion am Kilimandscharo
- ↑ - Drama am Kilimandscharo: Der «schnellste Bruder Afrikas» stirbt an Charity-Event
- ↑ - Entrepreneur TED speaker, 33, killed by falling boulder while climbing Mount Kilimanjaro with his wife during year-long trip around the world
- ↑ - San Francisco Bay Area man killed on Mount Kilimanjaro
- ↑ - East Bay entrepreneur, author Scott Dinsmore killed while climbing Mount Kilimanjaro
- ↑ - Find and Live Your Legend with Scott Dinsmore
- ↑ - 03.10.2013 - A sad finish to our Kilimanjaro Trek
- ↑ - Das Gipfelbuch, Eintrag Nr. 275 von Stefan Fritsch
- ↑ - Ian McKeever: Mountaineer and adventurer
- ↑ - Tanzania: Famous Mountaineer Dies On Kilimanjaro
- ↑ Kilimanjaro-Gipfelbuch - Eintrag Nr. 340 von Rüdiger Achtenberg
- ↑ - 30.09.2011 - Man ,Alistair Cook (69), dies minutes after scaling Mt Kilimanjaro
- ↑ - Deaths on Kilimanjaro
- ↑ - 19.09.2008 - Kenneth A. Moskow (48) Dies at Kilimanjaro Peak
- ↑ - 24.03.2007 - Canadian, Marcel Bujold (65), dies on Kilimanjaro
- ↑ - When death rained down the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro
- ↑ - 21.10.2005 - Former teacher, Kath Hilton (56), dies on Kilimanjaro
- ↑ - Zeitungsartikel: Jürgen Raith wurde Opfer der gefürchteten Höhenkrankheit
- ↑ - Zeitungsartikel: Jürgen Raith wurde Opfer der gefürchteten Höhenkrankheit
- ↑ - - 15.11.2002 - Deaths on Kilimanjaro Raise Concern About Porters' Safety
- ↑ - Martin Rotzoll * 31.10.1970 - † 26.01.2002 - Vor kurzer Zeit starb unser Freund Martin
- ↑ - 06.01.2000 - Friends Recall Hiker, Jennifer Lambelet Mencken (53), Who Died on Kilimanjaro
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